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SAINTCON Call for Volunteers

The UtahSAINT Organization is excited to announce the Open Call for Volunteers for the upcoming SAINTCON 2024 conference event.

Hi, We’re Scr4m and RayMan

SAINTCON Staffing/Logistics Managers

If you have any questions about volunteering for SAINTCON, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


When volunteering for SAINTCON, we expect that you will provide meaningful service in your assigned area.  The following are our expectations:

  • Volunteers will be 18 years of age or older at the time of their involvement in SAINTCON.  Any volunteer younger than 18yo must be accompanied by an adult while attending, and may not participate as a volunteer in some areas.
  • Volunteers will be available for multiple days of involvement, and will give at least 1.5 days of service to be eligible for free entry.

Terms of Remuneration

The UtahSAINT Organization and SAINTCON will provide Full Conference Pass for individuals selected to be a volunteer at SAINTCON.

Code of Conduct

All volunteers and participants in Communities at SAINTCON are required to agree to, and follow our Code of Conduct.